Year 11 ATAR Human Biology

All upper school science students must sit a variety of assessments throughout the year, from Investigations to Exams. Here Year 11 Human Biology students are conducting their first assessed practical for the year. They are using agar cubes of different sizes to model diffusion in cells.

20220214 11 HB Cubes Iang Abisa  20220214 11 HB Cubes Cubes 2

Year 11 ATAR Human Biology students have learned how to differentiate the different tissue types by sight. Using our new microscopes, which are reserved for upper school students, for the first time added to the fun.

20220218 Yr 11 HB Microscopes 3  20220218 Yr 11 HB Microscopes


Year 12 General Human Biology

The Year 12 General Human Biology class has been learning about bones and joints over the past few weeks. In Week 2, they completed a dissecting practical on a long bone. Here they were able to distinguish between the different types of bone marrow and identify areas of a long bone. In Week 3, they had the opportunity to recreate freely movable joints with Play-doh and guess the joints that each group made.

20220215 12 H Bio Joints 2 


Year 12 ATAR Human Biology

Brain Dissection
Dissection of a sheep brain is a great way for students to consolidate their learning on the structure of the brain.

 20220222 11 HB Brain Diss Ruby

Year 8 ACE Program 

Can a structure made entirely of match sticks support the weight of a whole person – Year 8 ACE students are building a structure to do just this.

20220214 matchsticks 4

Year 7 Bunsens

Learning to use Bunsen Burners is the highlight of beginning high school for many students. Here students are sitting for their practical test with Mr Stanes to earn their Bunsen Burner Licence.

20220218 Yr 7 B Burner 8

Year 8 Investigation

The Year 8s last week had the opportunity to work in small groups to plan and conduct an experiment in preparation for one of their assessments. They were required to test the absorbency of toilet paper vs paper towel. Students used food dye to show how much water was absorbed in both the toilet paper and paper towel. After completing the experiment, the class came together to discuss the different ways they tested their hypothesis. - Ms Casey Donaldson

20220218 Yr 8 Investigation

Forensics – Preparing Hair

While hair analysis by itself isn’t enough to convict a suspect, it is another piece of evidence to point police in the right direction. To see all the features however the hair must be treated, here Year 9s are learning that skill then analysing their results under the microscope.

20220221 Hair Taylah Icesis 1  20220221 Hair Omar Chris

Year 11 General Human Biology

It is difficult to observe the effects of different solute concentrations on cells as they explode quite easily. Sultanas make a good proxy that is easy to observe.

20220221 Sultana Eva Amy Latoya

Saliva performs many important functions, including forming a bolus of food before it can be swallowed. Year 11 Human Biology students are doing the Weetbix challenge to demonstrate this. Eating a dry Weetbix in under 1 minute without a drink. The winner was Morteza.

20220224 Yr 11 Gen H Bio Weetbix

Year 10 DNA

Science is always fun, but add food and it is totally awesome. Mr McArthur’s Year 10’s are creating a DNA model using gummy bears.

20220214 Yr 10 DNA Gummy bears

Goodbye Mr McArthur and Hello Mr Green

We thank Mr Craig McArthur for filling in for Mr Green for the first few weeks of term. Students have enjoyed his humour and the many experiments he organised for them. We hope to see him back at Aranmore again soon.


Mrs Naomi Geoghegan
Head of Learning - Science