I would like to congratulate the students upon their very measured and compliant start to the year.

They have had fairly warm conditions and they have had to wear masks. Some of their more interesting activities have been postponed and to this point, I have not heard any serious grumbles.

So well done to the students.

I would like to reassure families that we will do our best to reschedule any events that we are currently required to postpone. I do not have any inside knowledge as to what to expect, but the current experience in secondary schools is that when a child reports as having the COVID virus, they will need to go home for seven days and to have a negative test, before returning.

In most cases, the health authorities are not requiring the rest of the student cohort to quarantine, unless they have had extended unmasked contact with a person who has tested positive.

The staff have had further training in providing remote learning. However, it is our preference to deliver face to face, if at all possible.

Mr Declan Tanham