It is hard to believe that we have almost reached the end of Term 1 and Easter will be upon us – time flies when you are having fun and working hard!

Holy Week

During our last Pastoral Period on Tuesday, April 5 we will be gathering for prayer and reflection on Holy Week and Easter as a whole school community. Due to COVID restrictions, we will be remaining in Form Rooms and participating in the Easter Liturgy via Teams / online. COVID has certainly encouraged us to be more flexible and creative in our ways of gathering, praying and celebrating together. At this time, we will be recalling Jesus’ final days, passion, death and resurrection, which is a most important and sacred time for Catholics and Christians worldwide and at the heart of our Christian faith.

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Project Compassion, our main fundraising campaign for Term 1 in support of Caritas, will conclude next week and so we ask that any remaining donations be handed in to Form Teachers or Front Reception by Tuesday please to be counted and processed. Thank you for your generosity in aid of our most vulnerable members of society and “for all future generations” (this year’s theme).



On Thursday, 7 April – the last day of Term 1 for all students – we will be hosting our annual LifeLink BBQ Fundraiser. Throughout the day, we will be on campus for when each year group returns from doing their Fun Run around Britannia. We will be selling halal sausages in bread (with/without tomato sauce) and various soft drinks. All proceeds will go to LifeLink: Thank you in advance for your support and please remind students to bring gold coins to school on Thursday!


ANZAC Appeal

During Pastoral Period on Tuesday, April 26 / our first day of Term 2 we will be commemorating ANZAC Day as a whole school community. Again, due to COVID restrictions, we will be remaining in Form Rooms and participating in the ANZAC Day Service via Teams. All staff and students will have the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of ANZAC Day and remember the sacrifice of our service people. In the lead up to this, between now and the end of Term 1, our Year 12 Social Justice Leaders will be visiting Forms and selling ANZAC Appeal badges for a gold coin. Badges can also be purchased from Mrs Hardisty at Front Reception. All proceeds will go to RSLWA. Thank you for your support.

We are conscious of our Muslim sisters and brothers who this weekend will commence their holy season of Ramadan, which is a month of intense prayer and fasting, like the season of Lent is for Christians.

Prayer for Ukraine

Let us continue to pray for peace and a change of heart, especially in Ukraine and Russia, and for the ongoing recovery for all those affected by natural disasters, especially our neighbours affected by the floods in the eastern states.

May the coming school holidays and Easter season provide us all with opportunities for rest, relaxation, rejuvenation and rejoicing with our loved ones. As Christians we pray: we adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. By your holy cross you have redeemed the world. Blessed be our God who saves. Blessed be our God who raises up. Blessed be our God who lives. Amen.

Every blessing,

Sr Emma Llewellyn
Head of Ministry