Public Transport 

The College has received a few complaints regarding student behaviour when travelling on public transport. Please remind your child of the following:

- Masks must be worn properly on public transport, they must cover the nose and mouth.
- Adults have priority for seating, students are to stand and give up their seat to adults, bags are not to be placed on seats that adults can sit on.
- Priority seating is not for any student at any time – those seats are for seniors, people with disabilities and parents carrying children.

Online Learning 

The College staff have been working hard on ensuring that they are in an excellent position to deliver learning online in the case of a full or partial closure of the College and we ask that students and parents do the same. To ensure that work can be accessed by students they require access to a device and the following platforms – students should be familiar with all these platforms as they are used regularly by teachers across year groups. 


Year 7 will be working with teachers in their ‘Digital Literacy’ lessons to ensure they are familiar with these programs.

I would encourage all parents to download the SEQTA Engage App onto their phone. SEQTA Engage allows access into your child’s timetable, work set by teachers, messages, marks books and reports. SEQTA is our preferred method for communication with parents.

If you have any issues with logging in to SEQTA Engage please contact

Elevate Parent Sessions

Year 9 and 10 students will be taking part in study skills sessions this year led by Elevate Education. As part of the program parents have access to a variety of webinars run by Elevate, the first of these is Wednesday 23 February. Please see the details below from ‘Elevate Education’ including the ‘link’ to register for the free webinar.


Mrs Sara Jennings
Deputy Principal - Students


Career Conversations

Join the conversation about post-school options at our free parent events in your local area. For more info, click here.

Mr Danny Battistessa 
Deputy Principal - Curriculum